

Change of plans. I'm going to Kristin's hometown of Jefferson City, Missouri, to finish the recording and the project in its entirety. I've never been there. 

How does one draw water from such a stone? 

More on this, at a future date. For now, it's time to clean up and pack.



This is the official preview for take 3 of Hush-a-Bye. This will be for Cicadidi.



Rest in peace, brother Denny. See you there. 

Denny Laine was my first ever guitar hero. Must have been like 6 or 7 when I heard my first Wings album. How I envied that Ibanez double-neck guitar. Tried to emulate his style, down to the haircut. Everything I know about the guitar began with Wings Over America and a pocketbook with the chords to 200 Beatles songs. I had no idea he was sick. Still reeling from the news. So grateful I was able to express to him how much I adored his music through the years.

Expect a few more words on this, in the future, and song as well. By all means. I would have never picked up the 12-string, had it not been for Denny.